
We Are Here For You.

We all have defining moments in life - times of celebration, challenging circumstances, relational pain, and transitional seasons. How we respond during these times has a direct impact on our future. The Care Ministry at Waypoint Church provides a network of ministries and classes to find gospel-centered help, hope, and healing.

Care Classes & Support Groups

Care Classes and Support Groups are 8-to-14 week classes on a variety of topics that anyone can participate in. These Care Classes operate in a semester model, opening up for registration twice a year in the Fall and Spring. Our current offering of Care Classes includes the following:

Care and Counseling

We have trained men and women from our congregation who have gone through 115+ hours of training to provide one-on-one care and discipleship as Care Mentors and Certified Biblical Counselors. Our Care Mentors and Biblical Counselors are eager to share gospel hope to help you navigate difficult life circumstances. We are confident that through the scriptures and the power of His Spirit, God has given us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3-4).

Our team of Care Mentors and Biblical Counselors are waiting to listen, talk, pray, and share biblical truth in love as we look to the scriptures to find hope in a time of despair.

Connect with a Care Mentor or Biblical Counselor

Care Mentor Training

Do you have a heart for the Lord and a desire to help others who may be struggling with a difficult life circumstance? Do people seem to naturally confide in you and ask for advice or guidance? Then you should consider Care Mentor Training. Help us become a church that shares Biblical Truth in Love with those who are seeking help and hope.

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Frequently Asked Questions

No you do not need to be a member of Waypoint Church to participate in any of our Care Classes, in Care Mentor Training, or to talk with a Care Mentor or Certified Biblical Counselor. However, you will be invited and encouraged to attend Waypoint Church, or your church faithfully, as you attend these classes, training, or receive care and counseling. 

Connecting with a Care Mentor or Biblical Counselor is free.

  • Waypoint Care Mentors are men and women from our congregation who have gone through 115-150 hours of training in Biblical Theology and Biblical Care to provide one-on-one care and discipleship to those seeking help.
  • Waypoint Biblical Counselors have completed all of the requirements for Certification through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. This Certification process includes three phases where and individual completes Fundamentals Training, Counseling Observations, Specific Readings, passes a Theology Exam and a Counseling Exam, and lastly completes 50 hours of Supervised Counseling with an ACBC Fellow.

Not at this time.

Meet the Team

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Dan Gould

Associate Pastor of Care and Discipleship

Mary Morgan-Corbitt

Care Intake Coordinator

Jessie Lehmann

Care and Discipleship Assistant


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